------ Obitus ------ ;--- Obitus HD install V1.1 This installer requires the three original Obitus disks. You have to install WHDLoad first. V1.1 - Removed a bug in the imager causing small dot lines in the intro Note that due to the brilliant Psygnosis disk format you might be unable to install the game because your drive won't find the second sync mark on the boot track. I've got such a drive, the only solution is installing from df1: Thanks to Wolfgang Unger for sending me his original. Obitus is copyright by Psygnosis. ;--- Features - Gfx errors fixed - Keyboard access fixed - Access faults removed - Saves to HD [registered users only] - Return to OS (Numl) ;--- WHDLoad Download the latest version and more game or demo installers at http://www.fh-zwickau.de/~jah/whdload/ ;--- GORE DESIGN - RIDE HARD, DIE FREE! Greetings to all members of the whdload family...wepl, harry, mr. larmer and all the others. Special hello to my pal Flynn! =) ____ / / _____________________ STAY CLEAR CIVILIAN... ____________________ / / /_ / / / Dark Angel of Gore Design ____ / / / e-mail: wir96fme@studserv.uni-leipzig.de \ \/ / / ________________________________________ powered by AMIGA \ \ \/ /_____ \_\_\/